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Like anything, there are a few rules around using our websites and apps. Please read our General House Rules and Social House Rules at


Your privacy is really important to us. We always want you to feel safe, so whenever TVNZ collects and uses your personal information, we comply with New Zealand's Privacy Act. It's an important law that includes a bunch of rules and principles designed to protect your privacy. When we talk about our “site” or “sites” in this privacy policy, we mean both our websites and our apps (e.g., TVNZ On Demand and HEIHEI or any other sites we provide). This Privacy Policy tells you what information we collect, and what we can do with it. If you don't agree to the way we collect and use your personal information, or anything else in this Privacy Policy, please stop using our sites and de-register if you'd like us to delete your personal info (see below for more info on that).

What information do we collect?

We collect a range of personal, technical and general information, including: - Personal details you give us by filling in forms on our sites (like when you register your details, or enter a competition) - Records of any communication between us - Details about how you use our sites like when you visit, where you are, what you look at and how you got there (like if you clicked through from an email we've sent or an online ad) - Computer information like your IP address, operating system and browser type.

How do we use your information?

Information we collect from you or about you is essential for us to run our sites and make sure that content is relevant and delivered in the best way for you and your computer (or other device you're using). From time to time TVNZ will use third parties to provide services to us or on our behalf in connection with our sites. This might include sending service emails for us, or collecting and storing information. In these cases we may need to share information we've collected about you with those suppliers. We'll make sure that these suppliers take good care of your personal information, and only use it for the purposes in this Privacy Policy (unless we expressly get your permission for them to use it for another purpose).

We (or our suppliers) will use and store your information for the following purposes:

  1. To make things better for you We use what we know about you to improve the way we deliver our services to you. We might display shows we think you'll like, make recommendations and let you save your favourite settings and shows. It's also handy for system admin.
  2. To communicate with you and support your use of the services We use your details to let you know about updates to our site or services, to provide technical support, or to reply to any questions you have. If you opt in to hear more from us, we also use them to contact you about new shows and other things we think you'll like. Sometimes you might also opt in to hear more from our advertisers, in which case we'll pass your details on to them so they can contact you directly.
  3. To make our sites better We use your information to look at site traffic, analyse trends and generally help us build a big picture view of how the site is working. These insights are important because they help us to make the site better for you and our advertisers. One of the ways we collect this information is by Nielsen//NetRatings software. This is a service used by lots of New Zealand websites to anonymously collect web statistics, like the number of people who visit the site, the number of pages viewed and how long users spend on the site. Nielsen//NetRatings will also randomly ask visitors to complete anonymous short site surveys. Adobe Analytics and Google Analytics are other pieces of software we use that do the same sort of thing. These pieces of software work by storing a cookie or token in your browser or app (if you've enabled cookies) which contains a unique identifier to track the number of unique visitors to our site. Don't worry though, these systems don't identify you personally or store any personal info, unless you have agreed directly with the provider.
  4. To make advertising more relevant It's good for everyone if we can show you ads that you're likely to be interested in. There are some different ways that we might go about this: - One way is to share information about your visit to our sites and other websites or apps you've looked at on the way. For this to work, we (and/or our advertising partners) may need to place a cookie or token on your computer or device. To do this, we use Google DoubleClick technology and cookies. To opt out of personalised Google DoubleClick ads, follow the steps at: - Another way is to collect information about you from our advertising partners (or from third parties that specialise in helping our advertising partners find the right people to show their ads to). This information may be matched to our existing information about you so that we better understand your interests and can provide more relevant content and advertising. If we're matching personal information, we will use a third party and will not share your personal details directly with advertisers unless you've given us permission to do that. We ask our those third parties to take good care of your information and where any information matching occurs, we require them to make sure that they have the rights to use the other information collected from you for that purpose. - Another way is through a technology called ad personalisation which works to use or insert personal details, such as the name, that you provided to us (i.e. during registration), in an advert that is shown to you, or users, of your account with us, i.e. in the advert’s graphics or imagery. The insertion happens in a similar way to how a mail merge system would work, and is done by TVNZ, and/or our third party personalisation technology service providers on our behalf, after we receive the advert from an advertiser. We do not share your name or personal information with any advertiser when we use this type of technology, or give an advertiser permission to use your personal details. To learn more about interest-based advertising and your choices, visit the Digital Advertising Allianc's Consumer Choice page at:
  5. To provide other specific services Now and then we might need to use your information to run a competition or poll you've entered or for another specific service (eg. games on the site). In those cases there might be some additional terms around how we need to use your information which we'll make clear at the time of entry.
  6. To comply with the law or enforce the House Rules From time to time we may be asked to share information with third parties where we are compelled to by law. We may also need to use your information to enforce the House Rules or to make sure everyone is following the rules.

What happens to your info down the track?

We only keep your info while it's useful for personalising your TVNZ online experience or delivering other services to you. If you de-register, we'll delete your personal info - that's all the details you gave us when you registered that identifies you personally, including your name and email address. However we'll still keep hold of your contact details if we need them for a specific purpose, like ongoing correspondence. We may also keep other information, like how you've used our services, but that would just be anonymous data. No one will be able to connect it to you.

Other things you should know.

Linking to other sites Our site may contain links to and from websites or third party services that aren't controlled by us. If you follow a link to any other website or use such services, you should note that they have their own rules around privacy and use. We don't accept any responsibility or liability for anyone else's policies or for any transactions that you enter into with them. 2. Keeping your info safe Your information will always be stored securely, either on our servers here at TVNZ (100 Victoria Street, Auckland, New Zealand), on approved off-premise locations or with third party suppliers under contract to TVNZ. 3. Your unique identifier If you register for our sites, we'll assign you something called a 'unique identifier'. Basically it's a randomly assigned combination of numbers and letters that we use in place of your personal information. It allows us to keep your personal details safe while collecting info about how you use the site, but we can still match info up to you later if we need to. 4. Access to your info We respect your privacy, and the law around it. When TVNZ collects and uses any of your personal information, we comply with the principles outlined in the Privacy Act 1993 (New Zealand). Under that law you have the right to see the personal information we have about you. You can also ask us to correct anything that's inaccurate, out-of-date, incomplete, irrelevant, or any personal information that's misleading. If you'd like access to your personal information, please Contact Us at